Reels filmēšana, šeit būs 5 forši ieteikumi:

1. Mērķis: Pirms sāc filmēšanu, izveido skaidru mērķi un vēstījumu, ko vēlies nodot.

2. Izvēlies skaidru un interesantu stāstu, ko vēlies stāstīt ar savu reel. Tas piesaistīs skatītāju uzmanību.

3. Maini leņķus/rakursus, zoom līmeņus/attālumus, lai padarītu video daudzveidīgāku un interesantāku.

4. Laba skaņa ir tikpat svarīga kā attēls. Ja nepieciešams izmanto papildus mikrofonus, lai skatītājs varētu labi uztvert informāciju.

5. Montāža ir būtiska reels daļa, pārliecinies, ka izveidotajam reels ritms ir plūstošs un dinamisks, lai nezaudētu uzmanību. 

Reels filmēšana - 5 labi ieteikumi. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School
Reels filmēšana - 5 labi ieteikumi. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

Paldies, ka Tev interesē tēmas par kurām runāju un tiekamies atkal drīz jau citos rakstos.


Reels filmēšana - 5 labi ieteikumi. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

Individual Training — iPhone Video School

Online courses are very useful, but face-to-face one-to-one training is more than that. I regularly help people and...
Reels filmēšana - 5 labi ieteikumi. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

4 ways to send video

I will share my personal experience on how best to transfer videos shot or created on an iPhone.
Reels filmēšana - 5 labi ieteikumi. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

Type-C common standard from 2024

Tad beidzot sagaidījām.
Reels filmēšana - 5 labi ieteikumi. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

iPhone 15 Pro settings that need to be changed immediately!

Vēlos padalīties ar vienu ļoti vērtīgu video, kurā parādīti 25 iestatījumi, kuri jāmaina.
Reels filmēšana - 5 labi ieteikumi. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

iPhone 15 Pro Max price

Parunāsim par iPhone viedtālruņa cenu un tā vērtību attiecībā pret to, cik tas maksā.
Reels filmēšana - 5 labi ieteikumi. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

Shooting Apple ProRes Log with iPhone 15 Pro Max

If you're not from the Pro Filmmaker world, you probably read the title and it didn't mean anything to you and you...
Reels filmēšana - 5 labi ieteikumi. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

iPhone or Android? experience story

Quite often I am asked - how is the iPhone better, more robust than Android, why should I overpay etc etc? So let me...
Reels filmēšana - 5 labi ieteikumi. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

Video filming and editing with your phone in 2024!

Filming and editing videos with your phone is now a daily routine. It seems that TikTok was really the big stepping...
Reels filmēšana - 5 labi ieteikumi. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

15pro max vs 14 pro max comparision

We put iPhone 14 pro max and 15 pro max on the same scale.
Reels filmēšana - 5 labi ieteikumi. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

Gift card for iPhone Video School courses

Gift card for iPhone Video School courses.
Reels filmēšana - 5 labi ieteikumi. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

Creating videos with iPhone for social networks

Want to stand out on social media with quality content? I’ll help you shoot or create a video on my iPhone.
Reels filmēšana - 5 labi ieteikumi. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

The new iPhone 15pro max

The new iPhone 15 pro max video capabilities.
Reels filmēšana - 5 labi ieteikumi. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

A new online video production course is currently being developed

iPhoneVideoSchool — a new place to learn how to make videos on your phone.
Reels filmēšana - 5 labi ieteikumi. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

Video equipment rental, filming with phone

There are times when you need something and you haven’t bought it yet, or you don’t plan to buy expensive things for...
Reels filmēšana - 5 labi ieteikumi. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

Rent a set of equipment for Podcast filming

Everyone has a phone, but not everyone has everything else they need to make a good podcast — a wireless microphone,...

Pirmie 10 kas iznomās tehniku filmēšanai ar telefonu līdz Ziemassvētkiem, saņems 25% atlaidi!!!