Video filming with iPhone
Kāpēc izvēlēties šo piedāvājumu?
1. Paši nevarat to izdarīt, nav laika vai nepietiek zināšanu.
2. Nāku ar foršām idejām un darbiņu veicu kvalitatīvi, vairāk kā 20.gadu pieredze video veidošanā.
3. Video saņemsi uzreiz pēc filmēšanas (ja nevajadzēs montēt), ja būs nepieciešams samontēt, tad pie gatava video tiksi dažu dienu laikā.
4. Video šodien ir spēcīgākais marketinga rīks ar kura palīdzību pārdot produktus un pakalpojumus.
Why choose this offer?
1. you can’t do it yourself, don’t have the time or don’t have the knowledge.
2. I come with cool ideas and I do quality work, more than 20 years of experience in video production.
3. You will receive the video immediately after filming (if no editing is required), if editing is required, you will receive the finished video within a few days.
4. Video is the most powerful marketing tool today for sell products and services.
How much does it cost?
✅ Video Filming — 90eur/h
✅ Video Editing — 25eur/h
✅ Car — 30eur/100km
Since my main business is making commercial videos for various companies, I am technically very well equipped.
LED lights, stabiliser, wireless microphones, drones, etc. Necessary equipment for filming.