Video editing in phone, iPhone. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School
Video editing in phone, iPhone. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

Edit anywhere, anytime: with iPhone, you can edit videos whenever you want. It’s easy to edit special moments, even when you’re on the go or out of the house — iPhone is like a miniature computer.

Quick and easy editing: iPhone offers many apps for video editing that are very user-friendly. With intuitive features, you can do basic editing or experiment with different ways to add effects.

Automatic Sync, Use iCloud: the Apple ecosystem, especially iCloud, enables automatic synchronisation of photos and videos between devices. This makes it easier to access your content across multiple devices and lets you continue editing where you last left off. 

Instant Sharing and Social Network Integration: iPhone apps let you share your art instantly on social networks or other channels. This means you can instantly post your videos to your followers, connecting them to the world.With these benefits, you can not only create quality videos, but also go further and develop your creativity right on your phone.


Video editing in phone, iPhone. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

TikTok, Instagram satura veidotājs

Satura veidotājs priekš TikTok, Instagram nu jau var teikt ir tik pat neaizvietojams cilvēks, kā pārdevējs uzņēmumā.
Video editing in phone, iPhone. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

TOP 3 our products

Three of our best products in one place. Choose the one that’s right for you and see you.
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Sava studija jeb vieta, kur izpausties - iPhone Video School

Jau sen izsapņots un beidzot realizēts: vieta, kur fotogrāfēt un filmēt - sava studija.
Video editing in phone, iPhone. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

iPhone video portfolio 2024

Videos made with an iPhone, filmed and edited. iPhone is a great tool in the hands of people!
Video editing in phone, iPhone. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

Workshop — Video Light

Come to a live workshop and learn how to film with your phone using artificial light. A whole day in cool, creative...
Video editing in phone, iPhone. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

iPhone 16 Pro Max, ko sagaidam?

2024. gada septembrī Apple plāno izlaist iPhone 16 Pro un iPhone 16 Pro Max.
Video editing in phone, iPhone. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

Content day at iPhoneVideoSchool

If you are interested in growth, like to learn and acquire many new skills, then come to the “CONTENT DAY” to create...
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Storiju filmēšana uzņēmumiem - instagram, TikTok, YouTube

Ja Tu ikdienā komunicē ar saviem klientiem sociālajos tīklos, tad mēs nofilmēsim Tev storijus & reels
Video editing in phone, iPhone. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

Ceļojums uz Gruziju, filmēju ar iPhone

Šī bija lieliska nedēļa, lieliskākajā freeride slēpošanas kurortā Gruzijā, kalnā Tetnuldi.
Video editing in phone, iPhone. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

Mentorings - iPhone Video School

Video editing in phone, iPhone. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

Reels filmēšana - 5 labi ieteikumi

Reels šķiet viens no populārākajiem video formātiem pēdējā laikā. Maksimālais video reels garums Instagram ir 90...
Video editing in phone, iPhone. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

Individual Training — iPhone Video School

Online courses are very useful, but face-to-face one-to-one training is more than that. I regularly help people and...
Video editing in phone, iPhone. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

4 ways to send video

I will share my personal experience on how best to transfer videos shot or created on an iPhone.
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Type-C common standard from 2024

Tad beidzot sagaidījām.
Video editing in phone, iPhone. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

iPhone 15 Pro settings that need to be changed immediately!

Vēlos padalīties ar vienu ļoti vērtīgu video, kurā parādīti 25 iestatījumi, kuri jāmaina.