Is this the trend for 2024?
In principle, I could say yes. Filming and editing video with an iPhone has become so popular that people use it for different purposes.
One uses the phone for entertainment, the other for filming TikTok, Instagram reels, etc. Someone else sees the phone as a full-fledged marketing multi-tool and uses it 100% for business;
Why is iPhone and filming so popular?
- Availability: almost everyone has an iPhone, the latest or one of the smartphones from previous years. No need to buy an expensive professional camera + computer to start creating video content.
- Quality: The latest iPhone models are equipped with high-quality cameras. They allow you to shoot high-quality videos that can be used for a variety of purposes, from personal projects to business needs. The New 15 Pro Max has already advanced enough video features to suit both beginners and professional filmmakers.
- Easy to use: iPhone offers convenient apps and programs for shooting and editing video. Users can quickly learn them, take advantage of these features, and create high-quality video content without a large investment.
- Mobility: iPhone is a portable device that lets you shoot video anywhere, anytime. And you can easily edit the video right on your phone. No need for a powerful computer to process the video.
- Sharing and social networks: iPhone makes it easy to share video content on social networks and other online platforms. This helps you reach a wide audience and share your work with others. And quickly and easily transfer your videos to another Apple device via Airdrop.
- Creativity: with iPhone, users can express their creativity and create a wide variety of videos: simple short videos, Timelapse, Hyperlapse, Travel videos, Complex videos with effects, Commercial videos for business, Product videos, etc.

It’s great that you read this article, follow me on Instagram and I’ll see you again very soon;

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