Let me start by saying that a phone is just a phone and the flagship models all have good cameras and high quality screens. But there are nuances, the most important being the ability to handle a smartphone (in this case the emphasis is on video production). There are several other important nuances and advantages that distinguish iPhone from Android.

IPhone or Android? experience story. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

1. iPhone offers exclusive Apple services such as Airdrop, which allows me to transfer videos or photos of different sizes to any other Apple device very easily and wirelessly. It’s super convenient and I use this every day. Android unfortunately doesn’t have this capability. 

2. Apple regularly offers new operating system updates for all its iPhone models, with both new features and security improvements. The flow of updates for Android devices is often fragmented and depends on the cooperation of the device manufacturer and mobile operators.

3. Advanced video editing capabilities: iPhone incorporates editing features directly into the device, allowing users to quickly and efficiently perform colour correction and more. A very useful feature is that you can change the aperture, or DOF, of a video you’ve already shot.

4. Filming and photography in dark conditions. The iPhone handles this  very well, sometimes I even feel like, how is this possible. It’s interesting to see how the camera software processes a photo or video right after it’s taken. Unfortunately, I can’t say that about Android smartphones.

IPhone or Android? experience story. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

5. The App Store offers many quality video shooting, editing and making apps, such as Captions (the best app for captioning videos). Android users do not have this option, as you will not find Captions on the Google Play market. Nor will you find several other very useful video editing apps there. But for iPhone users, app developers have thought about and there are lots of very good apps available.

6.Dolby Vision HDR support: the latest models support Dolby Vision HDR, which allows you to record and edit video with a wider range of colours and contrast, so the video quality when viewed on your iPhone screen is truly stunning.

7. Bluetooth. From my own experience, I can say that iPhone connects to other devices via Bluetooth much better and faster than Android devices + the distance between devices is up to 2x longer. When using additional devices for filming, this is very important. 

8. Warranty and support: Apple offers a reliable warranty and customer support, which is important if you have problems with your device or need help.

All of these 8 things are so important that, having used an iPhone for several years now, I really appreciate the contribution Apple engineers have made to this great smartphone.

IPhone or Android? experience story. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School


IPhone or Android? experience story. Video shooting and creating with phone, iPhone Video School

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Pirmie 10 kas iznomās tehniku filmēšanai ar telefonu līdz Ziemassvētkiem, saņems 25% atlaidi!!!